Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership, Transformational Leader And Leader Member...

In Dessler chapter 2 it talks about leadership traits, the powers needed to become one, type of leader, transformational leader and the leader member exchange theory. The traits need to become a leader are to have drive, motivated to lead, honest, self-confidence, cognitive ability and know the business. Gigi has shown drive and cognitive ability when she kept going to school and finishing all the degrees and taking the state boards. She knows to what extent to be honest about and has self-confidence to get the job done. She knows the business because of work from the past and her passion towards it is the biggest drive and trait she has. If the leader has no power then he can be a leader, this are the powers needed to be one, position, authority, expert, referent, and information power. One can infer that Gigi possess all this powers and that’s why she is a good leader. The types of leadership styles are task, people, delegate or hands on. Gigi said she is a little of everyth ing. She is people oriented because she is comfortable working with them, although she intimidates them. She likes hands on but has learned to delegate and get feedback. Gigi has also shown that she is a transformational leader simply by being able to bring the company back to a good stand after it was losing money. She said to lead by example and that is one of the things transformational leaders do. Another concept to think about when talking about leadership is the ability to have self-awarenessShow MoreRelatedLeadership Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership is one of the main areas of study nowadays. A number of books, articles, and research papers are written on this discipline and we receive much information about this. Leadership is a relationship between leaders and followers, and building this relationship requires an appreciation for the personal values of those who would be willing to give their ener ¬gy and talents to accomplish shared objectives. 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